About us
Mission statement
Here at Jesus Nation, our mission is simple. We pray that everyone who walks through our doors would Encounter God through dynamic worship and powerful life-giving teaching, Grow like the tree Psalm 1:3 talks about, planted by the rivers of water, flourishing and bearing fruit ; and Go Mobilize the World through various opportunities to serve the nations and nearby communities.
JESUS NATION is a new voice commissioned to minister life and hope to those who have read and heard about the peace of God, love, hope, joy and healing, prosperity and abundance but have struggled to find a way to possess it for themselves. We minister to men and women who need unconditional love and affirmation regardless of what's going on in their personal lives or their social status. We are a family of the redeemed, dedicated to serve God in word, prayer and Worship to His glory. .
We create an environment which is technologically and spiritually suited to the needs of all people. We will not condemn but will build, teach and show a better way.
On a spiritual level, we believe there is a shift occurring in the Spiritual realm right now. While we fully understand our calling and mandate, we do not claim to understand the full gambit of what God is doing in our midst. But one thing is clear: He is doing a new thing.
-- "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. The beast of the field shall honor me, the dragons and the owls: because I give waters in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert, to give drink to my people, my chosen. (Isaiah 43:19-20).

Worship and intercession are set forth as supremely important in God’s kingdom throughout all history. “Prayer” is a central part of God’s plan to advance His kingdom. The Christian church began and operated in prayer meetings (Acts 1:14; 2:42; 6:4). Human history began with daily fellowship between God and man in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:8). Israel began as a nation in a prayer meeting at Mt. Sinai (Ex. 19:6-20).
Israel’s first building project was to build a worship sanctuary (Ex. 25:2). God set apart an entire tribe (Levites) in Israel to maintain day-and-night worship. David established night-and-day worship in Jerusalem, providing full-time financing for over 4,000 musicians and singers in the tabernacle of David (1 Chr. 15-16; 23:5; 25:7). The early church natural history will end in the context of a powerful prayer movement.
As a new voice, JESUS NATION transcends denominational boundaries to advance the cause of Christ. Come taste and see that the Lord is good!
We teach and preach scripture from the Hebraic perspective. We are not a separate brand of Christianity but we simply explore the richness of The Bible in terms of the language it was originally written thereby unlocking truths otherwise misunderstood and misinterpreted from a purely Western or Greek point of view.