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Nation Kids is JESUS NATION’s ministry designed especially with your child in mind. At JESUS NATION, we value child friendly environments.Below are a few elements we focus on to ensure every child ages six weeks through 5th grade has a great experience.


Our desire is for each child to develop a disciple based relationship with Jesus Christ. It is our hope that your  child will also be connected with our volunteers and makes some great friends.


We are passionate about children learning about Jesus on their level. Our environment and curriculum are designed with specific age groups in mind.


The Bible is the most amazing book ever written and we strive to make the stories come to life with stage actors, media presentations, activities and discussions that keep children engaged.


It’s no secret that kids love fun. We want children to have a blast and when they do, they can’t wait to come back.





“"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful” 2 Timothy 4:7 (NLT).

The process of living as a Christian has rightly been described as a fight. The enemy is clearly defined, rules of engagement are recorded in the Bible and the mandatory combat attire is spelt out in Ephesians 6. The good news is that the match is fixed in terms of its guaranteed outcome—but only if we know how to fight the good fight to the end! As men we strive to be “good and faithful” fighters using the Word of God as our combat manual and love as our strongest weapon.

Every man has at one point been tested and has proven himself to be strong, competent, experienced and able to do whatever task is at hand. Every man knows that he didn’t learn whatever he is now good at without first submitting himself to someone else who took the time out to patiently teach him the tools and tricks of the trade. In Christ we have a friend who sticks closer than a brother  “For we do not have a High Priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet He did not sin”  (Hebrews 4: 15). With Christ we can do all things and fight The Good Fight to the end!



To help men become committed followers of Christ, better loving husbands, fathers, and community leaders.


The desire of our ministry  is to equip women through the instruction of the Word of God to live in such a way that they bring Him glory in their relationships at home, at work, in the community and in the church. Our weekly prayer meetings, special events, and retreat weekends are essential tools in helping us reach our goal. On this site, you will find resources for daily living and activities you can join.

We frequently hold events for women designed to encourage and provide fellowship. Check our "EVENTS" tab for a listing of upcoming events.



Matthew 4 vs 4 tells us that men cannot live by bread alone but by every word that comes from God. Jesus Nation provides BREAD (FOOD) and life resources to needy people who cannot make it to traditional pantries for one reason or another.


To incorporate the WORD component, we pray for and teach the WORD to willing food recipients while we are feeding them or before they get their food packages.


Using this method, Jesus Nation has been able to bring many people to salvation in  God and helped many people to get back on their feet.


Our desire is to come alongside the family and help students grow and develop not merely spiritually but emotionally and relationally as well.  You'll find more information regarding what's going on and how to stay connected at the "Events" tab.

At Young Nation, you can expect to deepen your understanding of how God’s word applies to your life, while developing relationships with fellow believers.  We offer a smaller-scale, mid-week, age-targeted contemporary worship event, in addition to organized opportunities for service and Christian fellowship.

We meet on Friday nights at 6:00 pm at JESUS NATION, located at 1471 Highway GA 20, McDonough, GA 30253.


Mobilization is more than evengelism. 


Our heart is to train and send out more goers and mobilizers to the unreached and needy communities. It is our goal to send workers into the harvest that awaits, in their local communities, in their part of the world and in far off places.  The Gospel needs to be heard in order for lost people to respond to it.  


Our approach is as follows:

  • Mobilization Teams– We train people with a heart to serve and  deploy them in care and mobilization areas where they are able to make the most impact.

  • Partnerships - We partner with like minded churches to train their people and collaborate  to serve common areas of interest.

  • Ministry Centers  – We plant JESUS NATION ministry centers to serve communities and dispense resources.

  • Empowerment – We establish business ventures with a local flavor to create jobs and ministry resources needed to fund local activities and create employment.

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